
How Ancient Viruses Gave Us Marijuana As We Know It Today
The two most well-known compounds in marijuana—THC and CBD—are the products of genetic mischief at the hands of ancient viruses, according to a recent study. A team of researchers created the world’s first cannabis chromosome map, revealing how, millions of years ago, viruses colonized one of marijuana’s 10 chromosomes, where enzyme genes that produce THC

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Touts Marijuana Accomplishments In Farewell Speech
Outgoing Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) reflected on his 30 years of service in Congress in a wide-ranging farewell speech on Wednesday, and he dedicated several minutes to talking about progress he helped achieve on marijuana reform. “I cannot think of a life I would rather have lived—the highs and the lows, the idealism and the

Anti-Marijuana Rep. Joe Kennedy Now Supports Legalization
The last remaining young Democrat in Congress to vocally oppose the legalization of marijuana has changed his mind. “I believe legalization is our best chance to actually dedicate resources toward consumer safety, abuse prevention, and treatment for those who need it,” Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) wrote in an op-ed published on Tuesday. “It is

Here’s Where The Next House Speaker Stands On Marijuana
The midterms are over, but Democrats in the House have already found themselves locked in another contentious race that could ultimately have big implications for marijuana legislation in the 116th Congress. Will Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reclaim her seat as speaker of the House? Or will a coalition of frustrated lawmakers usher in a new

The DEA Just Got Scolded Over Its Marijuana Eradication Program
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) got a slap on the wrist from a federal watchdog agency over its management of a multi-million dollar marijuana eradication program. In a report released on Wednesday, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) said the DEA had failed to adequately collect documentation from state and local law enforcement partners that

Why Women Support Legal Marijuana Less Than Men, According To A New Study
There’s a peculiar gender gap when it comes to support for marijuana legalization—where women, a demographic that generally skews more liberal on a wide range of issues compared to men, are somewhat less likely to embrace cannabis reform. Researchers at North Carolina State University and Hartwick College wanted to know why. And in a recent